Coach Resources
Coach Resources
In addition to the SSA Soccer specific Coaching Standards and a valid Vulnerable Sector Check (previously called a Criminal Record Check), all Soccer Coaches in Saskatchewan are required to complete the following training.
Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders is a required training program for all registered coaches and team personnel of provincial sport governing bodies in Saskatchewan. Respect in Sport (RiS) for Activity Leaders is a tool designed to assist leaders to identify and respond to abuse, neglect, harassment, and bullying. This now expires every 5 years so you will need to provide either the date you were certified or the expiry date.
By successfully completing the NCCP
Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. MED is a requirement for the FUNdamentals coaching workshop through to the A Licence workshop.
Concussions can occur while participating in any sport or recreation activity. Since the circumstances under which a concussion can be sustained are so varied, it's important for all coaches, parents/coaches/guardians, and athletes to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and what to do if a concussion occurs. The eLearning modules teach you how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion - and also how to respond.
The 4 Basic Levels of Coaching Standards which are now available online.
Active Start (U5)
The focus is on teaching basic skills and basic physical literacy.
SSA Active Start One-with-One Program Activity Pages Part 1SSA Active Start One-with-One Program Activity Pages Part 2SSA Active Start One-with-One Program Master Coaches GuideSSA Active Start One-with-One Program Parent GuideCSA Active Start
FUNdamentals (U7 & U9)
Learn how to develop the ABCs of movement: Agility, Balance, Coordination and speed, while running a practice session that is fun, safe and keeps children actively engaged.
Learn2 Train (U11 & U13)
The emphasis of this course is on technical and tactical development within a small sided game environment (6v6, 7v7, 8v8 and 9v9). You’ll learn how to teach basic principles of play and how to establish training ethics and discipline in a fun and challenging environment.
Soccer 4 Life (U15, U17 & U19)
At this stage, skill training demands and training loads are increased to develop and refine skills and tactics. Tactical awareness becomes an increasingly important facet of training, alongside mental toughness, concentration, and diligence. Elite soccer groups may express interest in recruiting talented young players, but coaches and parents should be careful to recognize and protect the long-term interests of each athlete. Game formats develop from 8v8 to 11v11 (although no 11v11 prior to 13 years of age) as players grow through this stage, and the season moves toward year-round play that includes appropriate rest and recovery periods.
Vulnerable Sector Request Letter (previously known as a Criminal Record Check)